HR advice with Stratus

Get personal HR advice whenever you need it from our team of certified HR experts. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our blog is a wealth of collective knowledge, ready for you to use as a resource.


    Should we offer an employee referral bonus?

    Offering an employee referral bonus makes recruiting so much easier -- but it could lead to a disproportionate number of homogenous employees.

    Top 3 Actions Blue-Collar Employers Should Take ASAP

    Are you a blue-collar employer experiencing a shrinking workforce or lack of interest in your industry? Here are 3 ways to attract and retain workers.

    Everything You Need to Know About Reference Checks

    Whether you are the reference for a former employee or you need to conduct a reference check for a candidate, here is everything you need to know.

    When obesity discrimination is legal

    My friend didn't get hired and I think it's because he's obese. Is obesity discrimination (or any form of discrimination based on appearance) even...

    Job Applicants with Misdemeanors: Employer Guidance

    While a criminal background is not a protected class, automatically rejecting a candidate based on a misdemeanor (or felony) may lead to legal...

    3 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete in Hiring

    While working for a small business has its natural appeal, you need to have a hiring strategy to compete with large employers for key talent.

    Gig Economy: Kicking Employer Concerns

    The gig economy seems to be taking over and you need to stay ahead of the curve. Have you lost employees to working gigs? Can you hire gig workers?


    Putting the HUMAN back in Human Resources