Is Your Workplace Susceptible to These Injuries?
When you think about workplace injuries, you may not consider your white-collar environment to be susceptible to these common accidents.
Access all the necessary tools to help assess and mitigate workplace-related risks.
Prevent and manage work-related issues with tools developed by HR professionals.
Promote a safe working environment with proven best practices and support from Stratus HR. Access competitively priced workers’ comp coverage and get real help with managing workers’ comp claims to keep your experience modifier (e-mod) low. We’ll also help with any sensitive workplace issues.
Get workers' compensation at a competitive price. You won't experience up-front deposits or year-end premium audits with our pay-as-you-go premiums. Plus, in the event of an accident, you'll get help from your dedicated Stratus HR expert. You’ll also get help obtaining and administering your workers’ comp policy, verifying class codes, responding to audits, issuing certificates, managing claims, drug testing, and creating return-to-work programs.
Work with your Stratus HR consultant to develop an employee safety program that minimizes risks, prevents costly accidents, and maintains compliance with OSHA standards. With Stratus support, you can also minimize significant health and safety issues by working on an anti-drug abuse program, including help with implementing and maintaining drug testing.
Get advice and assistance for sensitive workplace situations from certified HR experts. We will help you with an objective third-party investigation for workplace accidents, claims of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, and other employee or employer wrong-doings.
Whether labor laws change in your state or you are subject to new ones because of growth, don’t sweat breaking compliance. The Stratus team works in the background to keep tabs on laws. And if something changes, we’ll make the necessary updates and let you know so that you stay compliant. That way, you avoid fines and are always in the loop without wasting precious time.
When you think about workplace injuries, you may not consider your white-collar environment to be susceptible to these common accidents.
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