HR advice with Stratus

Get personal HR advice whenever you need it from our team of certified HR experts. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our blog is a wealth of collective knowledge, ready for you to use as a resource.


    Do Companies Really Need a Dress Code Policy?

    While modern, successful tech CEOs wear hoodies and sneakers to work, there's actually a psychological benefit to having a company dress code policy.

    When Employees Want Pets at Work

    Do your employees want to bring their pets to work? As part of your due diligence in setting up a workplace pet policy, consider these questions.

    How to navigate work with a jerk boss

    Is it just a bad day or do you work with a jerk? Either way, here are some things you can do to help gain power and control the situation.

    Can you still tell a joke at work?

    When one person’s humor can lead to another person’s alienation, should you stay all business and refrain from telling a joke at work?

    Is a Demotion Ever the Right Choice?

    How do you make a demotion a win-win for both the employer and the employee? You ask yourself these three questions and then suck up your pride.

    Would You Want to Work at Your Startup?

    Whenever a business owner asks me a question about hiring, I ask them this: “if the tables were turned, would you want to work here?”


    Putting the HUMAN back in Human Resources