HR advice with Stratus

Get personal HR advice whenever you need it from our team of certified HR experts. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our blog is a wealth of collective knowledge, ready for you to use as a resource.


    HSA – Just for Open Enrollment?

    Unlike the rules that govern FSAs, HSAs are quite different, including the ability to change contribution amounts outside of open enrollment.

    Free Tool to Navigate Medicare now has a free resource to help seniors understand Medicare options and social security benefits, available to everyone.

    3 Real Benefits of Paperless Onboarding

    Paperless onboarding creates a positive first impression, which is critical for your recruiting and retention efforts in a tech-savvy world.

    HR, PEOs and the E-Myth Revisited

    Managing a successful business takes a huge amount of time, endless energy and a boatload of industry expertise. But who’s minding the team?

    HR Laws of 2015 and What to Expect in 2016

    Here’s a look back at what the major HR law changes of 2015 were and what to expect more of in 2016.


    Putting the HUMAN back in Human Resources