HR advice with Stratus

Get personal HR advice whenever you need it from our team of certified HR experts. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our blog is a wealth of collective knowledge, ready for you to use as a resource.


    Handling Suspected Drug or Alcohol Abuse

    When handling a for-suspicion situation, be sure to have a workplace drug and alcohol testing policy in place and remember these five actions...

    Injured Employee – To File or Not To File a Claim?

    When an employee is injured, what is the appropriate protocol for reporting injuries if the employee refuses to file a workers’ comp claim?

    4 Step Plan to Prevent Workplace Harassment

    Workplace harassment poses a threat to other workers as well as to the company. Here's a quick guide to curb unwanted behavior in the workplace.

    ADP Employees Hacked - Is Your Company Safe?

    Thousands of employee data were used to set up fraudulent ADP accounts, steal employee W-2s, and file false tax returns. Here are 7 steps...

    HR, PEOs and the E-Myth Revisited

    Managing a successful business takes a huge amount of time, endless energy and a boatload of industry expertise. But who’s minding the team?

    Preventing security breaches – what YOU can do

    The majority of data security breaches are caused by human error. Here are five tips to prevent your company from being the next data breach target.


    Putting the HUMAN back in Human Resources