HR advice with Stratus

Get personal HR advice whenever you need it from our team of certified HR experts. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our blog is a wealth of collective knowledge, ready for you to use as a resource.


    Where did all the good employees go?

    Even though unemployment is relatively high, you’re still struggling to find quality applicants. Should you change anything about your recruiting...

    What does the Dickey’s BBQ Incident Teach Employers?

    Thorough training. That's the main take away for employers after learning about a Dickey's customer who drank sweet tea laced with toxic acid.

    FSA Rollover Changes

    The Treasury Department announced that participants can roll over up to $500 to the next year! Here are 3 things to note about the rollover

    Client Testimonials

    See what clients of various industries and sizes ranging from less than 10 to over 200 employees have to say about


    Putting the HUMAN back in Human Resources