Keeping up with the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, can be a challenge -- even for big businesses. But when you’re a small employer focused on growing, compliance can become one of the biggest hurdles you have to clear. And if you miss, this one comes with penalties.
With this in mind, we have created a document titled “Are You Obamacare Compliant? A 2016 Checklist for Small Businesses.” This checklist can help you navigate current regulations and recent changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to determine if your organization is on track or if it’s time to make a change.
This checklist includes four basic questions with an explanation for each Yes, No, or I’m Not Sure answer. Those questions are:
- Do you have more than 50 full-time employees or full-time equivalent (FTE) employees?
- You have more than 50 full-time employees or FTEs. Do you provide healthcare coverage to at least 95% of your team?
- Is the plan you offer ACA compliant, i.e. does it cover the essential health benefits as defined by the ACA?
- Are any of your employees paying more than 9.5% of their income to pay for the employee-only portion of their premium?
Included in this checklist is an action plan for companies that find themselves out of compliance with any portion of the ACA, as well as an easy way for small businesses to provide health insurance benefits to employees, even if they are too small to be legally mandated to do so.
The key to staying in compliance with Obamacare lies in knowing the full requirements and clearly understanding your status and options. Please contact us if you have questions or would like to talk to someone about a new healthcare plan that’s right for your growing organization.’s experts will get you the answers you need and provide you with an 88-point assessment to determine how well your organization is doing and if there’s room for improvement.

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