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Back to School, Back to Safety: Safety Tips for Kids

Written by Joey Eastwood, Stratus HR Human Resources Generalist | Sep 19, 2017 1:56:30 PM

School is back in session, which has a number of implications for kids and commuters. If you have school age children, be sure to review safety tips and to be especially cautious during the morning and afternoon commutes. 

Safety Tips for Commuting: Kids Crossing!

Whether you’re driving to/from work, or driving as part of your work responsibilities, be aware of children out and about first thing in the morning, as well as in the afternoons/evenings. Busy sports, dance, and other programs will have children coming and going from school throughout the afternoon and evening. Morning and evening sun may make it difficult to see, so take a few minutes to be extra cautious and follow these tips:

  • Watch for pedestrians
  • Take school zones seriously; slow down even when school zone lights aren’t flashing
  • Never make lane changes in school zones
  • Watch for crossing guards and obey their signals
  • Leave plenty of room at crosswalks; never block them
  • Obey speed limits
  • Never text and drive
  • Never pass a school bus when the stop signal is posted and the lights are flashing

Safety Rules That Kids Should Follow

Whether your children walk, ride their bicycles, or take the bus to school, it’s extremely important that they take proper safety precautions. Go with your child and teach them the proper way to get on and off the bus, and/or how to safely cross the street.

  1. School Bus Stops: Make sure your child stands six feet away from the curb while waiting for the bus. If your child needs to cross the street in front of the bus, ensure he or she walks on the side of the road until they’re 10 feet ahead of the bus and looks both ways before crossing. Let them know they should always be able to see the bus driver, and the bus driver should always be able to see them.
  1. Training at Crosswalks: Teach children to do the following: stand six feet away from the road at a crosswalk and wait until traffic comes to a complete stop. Look both ways. If using a bike or scooter, dismount and walk the bike or scooter across the crosswalk. The most important safety consideration is ensuring children remain visible to drivers and make eye contact with them. Be sure children understand that they should always use street signals at crosswalks, where available.

Safety tips for kids can help adults, too. Talking about safety helps children and employees be more cognizant of their behaviors. Even simple reminders could help prevent an unnecessary accident. For more tips with staying safe, please contact your certified HR expert.

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