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Quiz: Are YOU a Micromanager?

There’s nothing wrong with being detail-oriented … unless that’s your single approach to management. Take this short quiz to find out if you’re a micromanager. Then read on to find out why you may want to change your approach -- and how you could become even more effective, efficient and productive once you do.

Take This Micromanager Quiz

  1. True/False: I keep up with my team’s tasks and progress with daily check-ins.
  2. True/False: My team knows that I need to see all projects for final review -- even on weekends, breaks or my vacation.
  3. True/False: When I delegate a project, it gets my full attention so that I know it’s done right.
  4. True/False: If a project requires changes ASAP, I will send my team a message with details, regardless of the time of day.
  5. True/False: I sometimes assign a project and then complete it myself anyway.
  6. True/False: I frequently redo my team’s work to make it right.
  7. True/False: I’m so busy reviewing my team’s work that I sometimes don’t have time for my own projects.
  8. True/False: I’m constantly re-teaching some of my team’s contributors.

Scoring Your Micromanager Quiz

If you answered “True” to 5 or more questions: Odds are good you’re a micromanager and your lack of trust in your own team may be keeping your team -- and YOU -- from reaching its full potential.

If you answered “True” to 2 - 4 questions: You know your team is smart and capable of doing their job, but when a really important project comes your way, it needs to be done your way. While taking this approach may get you the results you were hoping for, it may also be hindering your productivity and could be frustrating your team along the way.

If you answered “True” to 0 - 1 questions. You trust your team and know that you’re getting the best work when you let them take an approach that works for them. You view team-leadership as a combination of mentor, cheerleader and project manager. But you’re also willing to help out whenever a team member asks for more assistance.

Whether you answered “True” to two or eight questions, you have room for improvement. Start by reviewing these tips for stopping the cycle of micromanaging and see how your team responds.

Are you a micromanager? Read Why Micromanaging Is Killing Your Small Business (and how to change it) for tips to change your micromanagement ways. Or do you work for a micromanager? Read How to navigate work with a jerk boss.

For questions about management methods, please contact your certified HR expert. Not a current client? Request a consultation and our team will contact you shortly.